MDS Classification Tool
About MDS Classification

MDS is a family of diseases, categorized by doctors and researchers into subtypes according to one or more classification schemes: the International Prognostic Scoring System (IPSS), its revised version (IPSS-R), the WHO (World Health Organization) Classification System (WPSS), and the older FAB (French American British) Classification System. You may find any of them referenced in medical literature. For more information about MDS and its subtypes, see MDS Classification.
You can use this tool to understand how MDS classification works, to identify your score or subtype under five MDS classification schemes, and to study how different input data affects the classifications.
Important! The MDS Classification Tool can help you learn more about your health and identify questions to ask your doctor. Tools like this must not be used to make your own diagnostic or treatment decisions or to replace medical consultations. We recommend that you confirm your subtype with your doctor and ask your doctor what it means for your health and treatment.
Privacy: The MDS Classification Tool does not store, save, or upload your data to Marrowforums. The form is cleared of all data each time you load the page or click the Clear Form button. The data you fill in is only in your browser and is used only to help you understand your own MDS subtype. We encourage you to protect the privacy of your medical information.
Marrowforums would like to hear your comments on its MDS Classification Tool, to improve the tool and make it as accurate, informative, and useful as possible. To share your thoughts you can post comments in the Site Comments forum section or contact us privately. You're also welcome to post questions if you would like help using the MDS Classification Tool.